Why You Need a Writing Tutor

Arial view of a laptop with a blank notebook and glass of water to the left of it.


First, let’s explore the tangible benefits of working with a writing tutor. 

Writing tutoring is often correlated with higher grades in writing and English courses, but writing tutors can also support students in many other courses with written assignments.

Writing, at its core, is communicating. When a person can improve their writing skills, they also improve their vocabulary and their articulation. This helps learners become confident in their opinions and ideas, and communicate them effectively. 

If you scroll through job postings today, you will often find the same skill at the top of their requirements: Strong communication. In fact, 95.9% of employers say that communication skills are essential for applicants. 

Improved writing skills also foster effective conflict management and creative problem-solving. Each of these skills is extremely sought after in the job market today. 

While yes, there are many benefits to improved writing skills, some may say that English classes and study groups meet this educational need. While these forms of education are crucial to developing writing skills, there are multiple reasons why a personal writing tutor can be irreplaceable.

A personal writing tutor can pay close attention to a learner’s strengths and areas of growth. This way, a tutor can give direct and effective advice to improve a person’s writing. 

Working directly with a tutor also gives a learner the chance to ask questions and work at their own pace. A student may not have a chance to ask the instructor specific questions, or they may be too nervous to ask others for help. A personal tutor can pay specific attention to a learner’s needs and concerns. 

Writing anxiety is the feeling of apprehension and worry that may lead to someone overthinking their writing project, procrastinating on it, or even avoiding the task as a whole. Writing anxiety may happen if a student has too heavy of a course load, has had negative experiences with writing, or has never had the writing support they needed. 

No matter the reason, writing anxiety is always valid, and empathetic writing tutors completely understand a learner’s apprehension to writing. This understanding helps tutors find ways to combat writing anxiety. This could look like breaking the writing task down into smaller steps, continuously encouraging the learner, or finding new incentives to write.  

Empathetic tutoring is a great way for writers to improve confidence in their writing skills. It can be a very vulnerable experience for a person to share their writing, whether creative or academic.  A one-on-one writing tutor can address this vulnerability gently and with empathy. When working with a tutor, a learner gets to practice sharing their written work with someone else and can receive consistent encouragement.

A writer’s confidence isn’t always consistent either. A writer could feel very secure in their abilities one minute, and completely question their skills when they sit down to write again. A consistent writing tutor provides learners with a consistent, safe space to diminish their insecurities while still working on areas of growth. 

As the world changes today, it’s understandable to have a few caveats as to why someone might not need a writing tutor. Let’s explore these caveats and how a writing tutor can still be greatly beneficial. 

You may have found yourself saying you don’t need a writing tutor because….

A common misconception is that the skill of writing only has to be strengthened for those pursuing writing-related professions. However, effective writing and communication skills are beneficial for almost any profession. 

Improved writing and communication skills can strengthen a person’s credibility in the workplace. Writing is also a top skill that 73% of employers search for in the workplace. 

This common phrase refers to the idea that a person can do the bare minimum to pass their classes and get the same degree as a person who received high grades throughout their education. While this may factually be the case, it doesn’t mean that grades are insignificant. 

A student’s GPA can greatly impact a person’s career once they receive their degree.  A high highschool GPA can increase a student’s chances for college acceptance. A high college GPA can also be very enticing for employers, grad schools, and internships.

In some cases, AI can be a great resource. AI can help someone combat writer’s block, or brainstorm for a project. However, when AI creates content like an academic paper or a short story, it can lack engagement, factual truth, and originality. 

Writing can be a very personal and human experience, no matter the project. AI struggles to replicate this human touch of writing, making its writing inherently lack some quality. 

It is also vital that learners don’t rely on AI, but have the tools they need to create content themselves. When learners strengthen their writing skills, they are also strengthening skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. These skills are essential for almost all aspects of life.  Writing may never be someone’s passion, and that is perfectly fine! But, the benefits of strengthening the writing muscle will be seen far beyond a person’s education.

If these reasons have successfully convinced you to get a writing tutor, or you want to learn more about writing tutoring, A Latte Drafts Tutoring can help! A Latte Drafts Tutoring offers three different types of tutoring sessions based in the Minneapolis area: In-Person, Virtual, or Asynchronous. Each session is led by Danae and her empathetic tutoring style.

Receive tutoring that is not only accessible but strengthens your writing skills and improves your confidence. Contact Danae to learn more about A Latte Drafts Tutoring and schedule a session!

Writing Tutoring That Meets You Where You’re At!

Brew your writing success and schedule a session today!