What Exactly is Asynchronous Tutoring?


What if a learner could still benefit from tutoring without attending a live session? Traditional in-person or virtual tutoring requires both the tutor and learner to be present, stay engaged, and be productive.  But, asynchronous sessions overturn these expectations. 

Asynchronous tutoring takes away a student’s expectation to attend a live session, talk with the tutor, and retain all the information in one sitting. Instead, they can communicate comfortably online, receive helpful resources, and review the materials as many times as they need. 

Asynchronous tutoring is somewhat new to the tutoring world. Most training and resources haven’t evolved to include asynchronous sessions, but we have a chance to use technology to our advantage! Tutors can use today’s tools to give students a new type of session that has many benefits, such as: 

 Asynchronous sessions can be just as, if not more personal, than traditional sessions. When a tutor is given a student’s project, they can zero in on the student’s writing style, goals, and strengths. The tutor can spend dedicated time to see where the writer’s skill level is at, and define achievable action steps to improve their skills. 

Throughout multiple asynchronous sessions, tutors can also identify patterns in a writer’s work. If a student often writes run-on sentences, the tutor can send resources to catch run-on sentences and improve a student’s habit of identifying them. Or, if a student’s strength is their engaging writing voice, a tutor can identify that and show ways a student can amplify those strengths. 

Many learners’ circumstances prohibit them from live sessions or make it harder for sessions to be productive. In these cases, neither virtual nor in-person sessions are accessible. This means that these learners are cut off from an entire learning resource. Asynchronous sessions make tutoring accessible for all learners.

Many learners simply don’t have the time to attend live sessions. Busy college students can’t make it in between classes, or mothers with full schedules may not be able to nail down a session time. These students also deserve access to educational resources, and asynchronous sessions make it accessible and stress-free!

During traditional sessions, there are many unspoken expectations placed on the learner. They have to sit still, listen, answer questions consistently, and stay engaged. Not only that, but they may feel the pressure to make eye contact, answer questions “correctly” and show up pleasant and calm. 

These expectations can be difficult for anyone, but they can especially be difficult for those with ADHD, autism, social anxiety, or students who are too stressed to sit calmly for an hour with a stranger. If a student finds it especially stressful to sit through a live session, the live session will be significantly less productive. In fact, stress can often make it harder to concentrate, make decisions, and make it difficult to remember things.

Asynchronous sessions significantly diminish the amount of societal expectations for the learner. They can do the session at their own pace, in their own time, and in a space that is comfortable for them, making the session that much more productive and enjoyable!

The short answer is: It depends. What might be better for one learner may be the opposite for another. However, if you are having trouble deciding what might be best for you, there are a few things you can consider. 

If you are at the beginning stages of writing, live virtual sessions might be a better fit. In a live virtual session, you and a tutor can bounce off each other, brainstorm ideas, and you can verbally process the project as you write it! 

If you have written a few drafts of a project and are mainly looking for a second eye on your work, you may find more benefits in an asynchronous session. In an asynchronous session, a tutor can dive deep into the nitty-gritty of a project, take a look into specific concepts the project covers, and provide specific action steps to elevate the piece.  

You may also be a learner who prefers talking to someone about their project and going through the process in real time with someone. If this is the case, a virtual session might be the best way for you to learn! If you, however, find that you learn best when you can sink your teeth into the details of a project, and have very specific aspects you want a tutor to take a look at, you might find an asynchronous session is more beneficial!

No matter which method you use to access tutoring, it is valid, and the right tutor will ensure you are receiving the resources you need! At A Latte Drafts Tutoring, Danae offers three ways to access her tutoring sessions! No matter the reason for choosing asynchronous, virtual, or in-person sessions, Danae will provide expert writing advice to not only improve your writing project but strengthen your skills as a whole. Danae strives to ensure that everyone, no matter their age, life circumstance, or accessibility needs, can get the educational resources they need!

Contact Danae to learn more about A Latte Drafts Tutoring, and request a session to get an asynchronous session in the books.

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